Why do many girls, when they meet a man they like, they won t take the initiative to pursue it?

Updated on 2023-06-13 03:33:13

Why do many girls, when they meet a man they like, they won't take the initiative to pursue it?

I have dreamed of love, I have also dreamed of parting, maybe those are not dreams, those are not true, but it wasted my countless years, I have tasted the sweetness of love, but also tasted the bitterness of love, found that how much sweetness you have will exchange for how much bitterness, such ups and downs make me understand, it is better for me to live calmly alone, do not want that sweetness, let alone that bitterness, this may also be what most people think.

It is said to be in love, otherwise how do you know which can be happy with you for a lifetime, but love sometimes turns you into a sore, incomplete self will always feel inferior, this feeling only want to feel once, never want to look back, if I can, I am willing to never meet you. So most girls will have the idea of not wanting to fall in love anymore, often have these performances, let's listen to the editor's analysis!

Tasted the bitterness of love.

Now in this era, everyone longs for love, there are countless people who abandon love, no love is the happiest, because they have longing and curiosity, hope for everything, but really come to the day of love, but will find that all this has changed, the world is not as good as imagined, he is gradually less and less attentive to you, let all your longing be ashes, once said that you can ** your sadness, Isn't the boy who takes you to the happiest world the same man who brings you sadness?

So those girls who have tasted the bitterness of love really don't want to rely on anyone, only they really won't leave, only they will feel sorry for themselves, and only they will not hurt themselves ruthlessly.

It is believed that there is no good result for girls to take the initiative.

Many of those examples of girls' initiative end in humility, because girls are the easiest to see reality clearly and are blinded, so for girls, it is really super easy to fall into love, feel that he ignored me is really busy, rather than a change of rejection, living in the virtual every day, living in the clouds and fog every day, even with the beloved, will feel very humble, no active other half, no love love, all rely on themselves in support, no strength, no mental power, So this humble love becomes very sad in their lives, planting a seed, growing bigger and bigger, and finally never wanting to be with love again, it is better to live happily alone.

Don't want to waste too much youth again.

When a girl who has had a love experience said, wasted many years of life, wasted the best youth, took her best youth to accompany a child who did not grow up at all, it was really too sad, gave everything, and finally turned back to find that she had nothing, nothing in her heart, such a girl began to have fear, began to have resistance, when she met the boy she liked again, she would not take the initiative again, because she felt that there would be a bad ending anyway, Why start? So this is really the most fundamental reason why girls don't want to believe in love, there are several good years in life, and it's really not worth wasting it in exchange for a sad stomach.

Lao Qi has said: Having said all this, a girl is really a creature that spoils her more and more cutely, as long as you are good to her, he will really give you a huge happiness and tenderness. Don't hurt that girl, if you like a girl, you must think about whether you can give her a lifetime of stability, whether you can give her a real love. I don't know if you believe in love now in front of the screen? Come to the comment area to tell everyone, believe in the buckle 1, do not believe in the buckle 2, if you like the editor's article, then come to collect and follow! Love you guys!

end1, like really do not need to chase, slowly will be together, sometimes the two people who like are not good at expression, it is just such a sentence, but each has each other in his heart - the account has been cancelled.

2, women are trouble, but men just like to find trouble - be a whining meow.

3, I like a woman, she doesn't want me, always avoids me - Hui Ge 9ad49fe

4. I don't want to be in love, I just want to have money - Weihai Zhang Long.

5, women do normal things without gain, so why not try to do the opposite, maybe some men find it interesting to pursue it - dgghhbf

6, I want to ask if it is not because of sexual troubles that you will find a woman - ender seven number 0r

7. This sentence is nothing more than trying to hide that you are not a straight man - Ender Seven No. 0r

8. What is yours is yours, and it is useless to tie it up if it is not yours [funny] - the account has been cancelled.

9. No confidence! At this point, many men are also a bird. Sorry to miss the right person. --Cosmic Child King.

10, the real society is not a costume drama, let alone love **, don't be **** by them - soul watchers.

11. Do you really like trouble [funny] [funny] [funny] - Beth 4h

12. If you want to love, you must accept the hurt given by the other party - Tarzan Xiaoshi dares to be a dignor.

13. Because of the marriage of a man. --Gomanan B4

14. Love is either dependence, or favor - Li Guan Chicken.

15. Is it possible? --Mind Reading 520

16. Fear of rejection - toot j6i03

17. You think too much - Ender Seven 0R

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