What does it mean for a girl to send a smiling emoji? Don t keep talking

Updated on 2024-05-08 17:25:14

On the surface, the smiling expression represents a positive meaning. In the actual process of chatting with a girl, the smiling expression is similar to the girl's "hehe", you think she is laughing with you, but in fact, she is already very unhappy in her heart. Let's talk about the meaning of smiling emojis for girls?

Boys, don't underestimate the smiling emoji that girls send you, which may mean the following:

1. I'm too lazy to reply to you.

2, I just quietly watched you pretend to be x

3. Your chat topic is so boring that I don't want to talk.

4. Coldness and ridicule.

5. Hovering on the verge of anger.

6. Girls are unhappy and unhappy.

7. Embarrassing and perfunctory.

8. I want to end the chat.

1. Reflect on yourself.

You have to make it clear if the girl sends you a letter and smiles to make an expression if you are not doing a good job. Did you post a WeChat circle of friends today, which is very vulgar, so that she began to doubt your taste? Or did you inadvertently compliment a girl who made her jealous and unhappy? Or does she think you don't understand her, and you're still here to tell her big truths? In a girl's opinion, she can send you a smile emoji for anything she finds incredible.

2. Emotional chat.

Girls are generally very emotional, they like to express emotions and feelings when chatting, while men like to solve problems when chatting, and many boys often chat in a word, and are given the title of "topic terminator" and "straight male cancer". If you want to chat with girls happily, you must be good at chatting with girls emotionally, share emotions and express feelings during the chat, emotional chat can quickly empathize with girls, and let girls feel that you understand her very well.

Example of an error chat:

Female: "I'm in a super bad mood today, I have a cold and a headache".

Man: "Then hurry up and drink more hot water and eat some cold."

Woman: "[Smiling emoji]."

Correct Chat Demonstration:

Female: "I'm in a bad mood today, my aunt has a stomachache when she comes."

Man: "Poor baby, if only my aunt could transfer, I'll help you share the pain of your stomachache."

Woman: "Haha, this picture is so beautiful, I can't imagine it".

3. Express attitude.

If you are chatting with a girl, in the face of the question raised by the girl, you want to choose an evasive attitude and do not express your position, but the girl finds out again, the girl will also smile back at you. Many times it doesn't mean that you need to answer with a clear conscience, and the girl doesn't really distinguish between right and wrong, she just wants you to support her attitude. You can show that you support her first, and then analyze the problem with her, and say that she will be aware of her problem, which is the perception of a smart man.

Of course, the girl's smile emoji also has a more positive meaning, such as your initial greeting, and the girl returns you with a smile emoji, which is a good start. But other times, the meaning of a girl's smiling expression is likely to have a lot of subtext, and you need to dig deeper into this time.

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