LPL s first unlucky mid laner was rejected by RNG, and he hit a wall everywhere during the transfer

Updated on 2024-05-20 07:30:22

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Exchange.

LPL's transfer period this year is not as exciting as last year, and the transfer period of many top clubs and excellent players this year has not been as smooth as expected, and many players have lost their jobs.

The most unlucky midlaner was Angel, who went through a lot of tugging and eventually lost his job.

Angel can be said to be the most outstanding domestic midlaner in the S World Championship, but in the case of S10's excellent performance, Angel's performance has begun to decline again in the past two years, of course, Angel can occasionally play an excellent performance for a while, but often does not play well in the key playoffs, so the audience often does not put him in when selecting excellent midlaners.

In this transfer period, the initial news showed that WBG renewed the contract of Angel, but after that, WBG formed an ideal lineup, and the mid-laner Xiaohu came, and Angel could only go to other teams to find a job.

In this process, Angel contacted BLG, but Yagao went, and then contacted OMG, but there was a variable on the LNG side that did not sign CRÈME, signed SCOUT, and Angel was gone, and then pulled AL, but there seemed to be no result, the latest news is that Angel and RNG talked, and RNG paid a transfer fee to WBG.

Hanyi broke the news that RNG felt that WBG's offer was too high, and he still wanted to sign Angel for three years, but in the end it was unsuccessful.

In fact, Angel may have pulled more teams than he might think, and his experience is a great illustration of the tragic situation of non-top players during the transfer period – they have to look at other people's faces if they want to find a job.

Angel also posted a Weibo before, and the content is very interesting: Are people an end, not a pure tool? This sentence seems a little awkward, but it is actually a quote from Kant, which means that people are not tools but their own ends, and people's actions should respect people, treat people as **, and not use themselves as tools for themselves and others.

Those who know Angel should know that this mid-laner is very interested in philosophy, it can be said that it is the only LPL, and he usually likes to read books in the philosophy department to enrich his spiritual world.

The current situation is that Angel is unlikely to find a team in the final stage of the transfer period, and it is not recommended that Angel choose to wronged himself, reduce his salary or compromise to join a team that he is not satisfied with, the suggestion is that Angel change his mind, and if he can't find a job, he can't find it, and he can wait quietly.

Similar to Doinb, Angel can occupy a replacement position after the start of the new season.

To put it simply, after the major teams start to play in the new season, there is a high probability that a certain team will not perform well in the mid-laner, and it will be very stretched.

Personally, I think Angel actually has the potential to become a top midlaner, but it is difficult to do it by his personal ability, he is not like the kind of midlaner who can understand how to do and change to grow, but if a good coach takes him and gives him a clear directional judgment and decision-making of different situations in the game, he can play well.

Unfortunately, there are too few teams in the LPL that have excellent coaching staff, especially the kind of coaches who can fully bring out the potential of their players.

Now all Angel needs to do is to do a good solo training, adjust his condition first, and then wait for a good opportunity.

Next year, EDG and RNG's mid-laner positions are likely to have problems, in addition to these two teams, those who seem to be luxurious and powerful mid-laners may not necessarily be able to play well, it is not difficult for Angel to find a job, the difficulty is how to really grow into an excellent mid-laner.

Because Angel doesn't like the feeling of being pulled as a tool, if he wants to change this situation in the future, he has to make himself stronger, so that he can pull others instead of looking at other people's faces everywhere.

1. Unless you are the kind of left-handed person who is particularly powerful, the lower limit of the middle order of the general improper tool person is particularly low, and there is a kind of medium single that is specially used as a tool person, similar to toothpaste and coins, their upper limit is relatively low, but the lower limit is relatively high, and the black angel likes C but C can't drive the whole team. So it's normal for him to be harder to pull. --Rebellious repair.

2. Obviously, no team wants to bind the spirit [Sanha]-Wu Gaomin mg

3. To put it simply, he is very strong, but not strong enough, he lacks both the operation of leaving his name in history, and the courage of a strong man to break his wrist. --It's not in the river.

4. The main reason is not that this year, I have lost my value as a spokesperson for the Magpies, but it is impossible to go to a very weak team with the burden of being the runner-up of the S competition.

5、RNG was originally a linkage、Level 3 is the beginning of the whole run。。。 Teacher Ann went to RNG··· RNG to change style play? --Qi Wei db

6. You can go to a weak team to play, why do you have to go to a strong team--l141105

7、Play a mid-laner and don't support.,You say you don't support it.,Even if others are super powerful, and occasionally C a game of angel is really not a game.。 --Invincible Loneliness 690

8, Angela was pulled by the LNG pigeon, Weibo was vaguely complained, I heard others break the news that LNG was originally going to sign him, but the junior brother repeatedly pulled in the LCK, EDG signed FOFO again, resulting in the junior brother's asking price is basically not satisfied by the team, at this time, the LNG that basically talked about the same as Angela directly backhanded the pigeon with Angela and the little cream (the little cream and Angela considered by the LNG before), as a result, the little cream can still return to OMG, and the junior brother got a job, Angela is out of work instead --a383883166

9. LPL does not have a rookie mid-laner, relying on these old mid-laners will not be able to win the S championship, and the newcomer AD can only be light, and the most lacking thing in LPL now is the talent in the C position - time forgets to become a fool.

10, Angela is a single weak group of bastards - Haotian Yunuo.

11. It's a pity, I've been a teammate with theshy for a year, and the wind review has become like this - a little good boy 0cf

12. Didn't the Black Angel go to AL - G century beyond the world.

13, if you can't play a career, you have to go back to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties [funny]--teasing Phuket Island.

14. He left me with a lot of "classic pictures" [funny] - it seems to be drifting away.

15. I have the impression that the line doesn't seem to have won, and it's hard to jungle to help play the advantage, and then it's gone, and I never have the impression that the line advantage affects the overall situation, that is, I don't help C, I don't help the spirit of the ground! The hero pool also doesn't have an absolute ban bit! [laughs and cries]--fly Ai Feng.

16. He is the kind of play that takes himself as the core, but his strength does not reach the level where he can become a strong core - Huang Shang 945

17, isn't the Asian Games just on the night [covering your face] [covering your face]. I feel that the civil war is a first-class mid-laner, and the top mid-laner in the outer war, the more fierce the foreign war is [cover your face] [cover your face] - Dafan Game Commentary 3

18, LPL has no rookie mid-laner, relying on these old mid-laners will not be able to win the S championship, and the newcomer AD can only be light, and the most lacking thing in LPL now is the talent in the C position [boy] [Shut up] [Green Ribbon] - enthusiastic Lan Lan.

19, Angel obviously belongs to the kind of people who have a low lower limit and a lower upper limit, and the opportunity to play in the past few years is all due to the relationship behind - supperlxb

20. His support is always slower than others--big li9527

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