How do I come up with a name for my book?

Updated on 2024-05-20 11:40:24

How do I come up with a name for my book?

The title of the book is important or not, it is very important, and there is even a saying, the article looks at the title, and the book looks at the title. I am actually writing a book now, by the way, network marketing, publicity, and also doing company business, which is the enterprise, the company's network self-marketing, network public relations, network sales, corporate brand building, corporate image building, corporate culture.

My purpose and appeal is to tell writers, authors, and literary and artistic youths that I am professional and come to me. Or tell potential job seekers and talents, come, come to Subai Media, we will start a business together and work together.

In fact, I wrote this book many years ago, and I just pretended to force me to take a book every 7 days, and spread it among many publishers and writers. Because 7 days grass is 150,000 words, and it is a proposition, it is more messy and scribbled. I was in Toutiao at the time, and the idea was to fool people into making self-funded books and making money. But as a newsman, a public relations person, a media person, and an editor and moderator of many online literature and online literature and cultural forums in the past, I can be regarded as a small god, with 20 years of experience in news, publicity, network, media, public relations, and communication, I am obsessed with this thing. It is even imagined that content e-commerce and content will bring goods, first set a small goal, kneel the headlines, make the bald, subdue Ali, and bleed Tencent. Let's take a hundred million first!

So this book was put down, the name of this book is called "It's Not Difficult to Publish a Book", and the positioning is relatively niche, that is, for authors, writers, literary and artistic youths who want to publish books, as well as college journalism and communication, journalism and publishing students, as well as new editors and editors of news and publishing. He belongs to textbooks, teaching aids, practical books, social sciences, journalism and publishing, there are many categories of books, many varieties, basically no editor dares to say that all books can be made, all understand, unless it is at his own expense. Some books are extremely specialized, unpopular, and niche, and the reason why you have to pay for them is because the readers may be university professors, doctors, and masters.

The title of my book tells the editors that the readers are the authors who want to publish the book, and the new editors who find it difficult to publish the book, aimed at beginners and laymen. Because the publishing circle is small, editors are always mysterious and rarely show up. This industry is relatively closed, and some people may never come into contact with a publishing house editor or cultural media company editor in their lifetime. As for the market book editors and market book planners, they may only be myths and legends, and they have never been seen or contacted.

It's not difficult to publish a book", I will also have a subtitle to make it a relatively easy thing to publish a book, if there is a waist seal, I will also, senior planner, many best-selling book publisher Su Zong has many years of experience and dedication, all of which are dry goods, Zhang Xiaobo, Shen Haobo, Lu Jinbo jointly recommended. Of course, the three wave presidents, I will send them the manuscript to see, modestly said, as a junior, I picked up a book about journalism and publishing, and asked the master and teacher to give some opinions, they may be perfunctory and polite, okay, a little interesting. Then in my planning book, there are Zhang Xiaobo, Shen Haobo, and Lu Jinbo jointly recommending words, if they don't object, or say okay, but, my waist seal really does it.

Therefore, book products, from the title, content introduction, author profile, chapter table of contents, waist cover, cover, and back cover, are actually marketing, all around the market, around the sale. Writing and publishing books is to sell, for money, for profits, for sales, planning and editing is to focus on marketing and sales, so that the profit of books is maximized, and sales and income are maximized, which is to make money.

How to come up with a book title, there are many similar books, you look at the books on the shelves of bookstores, look at the books that sell well in Dangdang and **Jingdong, look at the names of some bestsellers, after a long time, you will be yourself. Planning editors sometimes come up with a dozen or even dozens of book titles, let the publishing house, cultural companies choose, the title of the book affects the sales of the book, and it is very large, so to give your book, a good name, is the first to create a book, submit a manuscript, your book title is rotten and smelly, the editor has no interest in reading, may not be too lazy to open. There are too many manuscripts and writers, I have hundreds of thousands of manuscripts here, many of which I have never read seriously even 3000 words, the title, introduction, and author make me not interested in reading, and I directly reply that their works do not meet the requirements for publication and publication, and I can't see any market possibilities, please consider cooperating in self-funded publishing, the cost is x million yuan.

Give your own book, choose a good name, there is a selling point and the possibility of selling, editors, publishing houses, cultural companies will be interested, everyone is to make money, relatively speaking, the market for teaching materials and teaching aids is larger, and it is relatively easy to appear more than 10,000 best-selling books, so I choose the category of news and publishing textbooks and teaching aids. Tsinghua University Press also asked me to write a book "News and Public Relations Writing and Communication" (journalism and public relations textbooks, teaching aids), I did the planning, topic selection, and proofs, and they were interested, because they created a series of practical books for folk experts or grassroots cattle at that time, such as secretaries, advertorial experts, and self-leading V, I can barely be regarded as a news public relations expert, I am a network public relations consultant of many propaganda departments, and the strategic director of public relations and advertising companies in Beijing and Guangzhou, 20 years of news promotion, editing, writing, I have also won news awards at or above the provincial and ministerial level, and there are countless more in cities, counties and districts. Many people think that I am a writer, but my literary achievements are too high, which hides my talent and ability in journalism and public relations.

For journalism and publicity, I not only study, but also have theory, practice, and thinking, my second degree is Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majoring in journalism, I am an amateur researcher of journalism and public relations, self-taught. I haven't written this book since then, mainly because I invested in the vigorous, self-sufficient, the headlines were subdued, the bald, Ali kneeled, Tencent bleed, set a small goal first, and masturbated 100 million in battles and battles! (2026 words).

Text|Su Bai Media Su Zong.

Others: Part** is for simulated imagination and does not mean that the text specifically refers to it.

Author's statement: The company's creative works, in principle, do not refuse the general text transmission and behavior of the Internet (portal**, network forum, self**, social **), but please indicate the company and the author, without the permission of the company, please do not use the company's text in the paper ** (including but not limited to newspapers, paper), book publishing, film and television communication (including but not limited to short**, medium**, long**) audio transmission (radio drama, audiobook).


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