Vietnam: Street motorcycles are a disaster, few are made in China? It turned out to be such a thing

Updated on 2023-03-06 23:07:20

Vietnam: Street motorcycles are a disaster, few are made in China? It turned out to be such a thing

Motorcycles are the most commonly used means of transportation by Vietnamese. It feels like almost every motorcycle in Vietnam. But it is true that it is rare to see Chinese brands. I have asked the Vietnamese before, and their reply is that the quality of motorcycles in China is not very good.

It is said that there have been cases of broken frames of Chinese motorcycles before, and accidents have occurred in the local area, so the Vietnamese have not been very comfortable with motorcycles produced in China, and when time is going, the market share must be getting lower and lower, and slowly withdrew from the Vietnamese market.

About more than ten years ago, Chinese-made motorcycles were still very popular in Vietnam, with a usage rate of 80%, but they were quickly eliminated in the Vietnamese market, and now Vietnamese people rarely buy Chinese-made motorcycles

There are many reasons, the main thing is that the quality is too poor, the Vietnamese who have used Chinese-made motorcycles complained, only bought less than three months began to have problems, they have to repair, just ** cheap can not do, to *** use for a long time to be useful.

But later, the inferior nature of Chinese business slowly appeared, and vicious competition began to appear, and the quality became worse and worse. Although it was cheap when I bought it, it didn't take long for problems to occur. Vietnamese people feel that the cost performance of Chinese-made cars is too low, so they rarely buy Chinese-made motorcycles.

Such a large market, China is taking the lead, but also did not grasp well, at the beginning Jialing, Zong Shen these two brands can be seen everywhere in Vietnam, later because of quality problems, gradually lost the interest of the Vietnamese people, sales have also decreased a lot. However, there are still a lot of motorcycles on the street.

Not only Vietnam's motorcycles, Southeast Asian countries are almost a lot, such as Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam's Hanoi should be the city with the most urban motorcycles, whenever standing on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam, really dare not cross the road, but very strange, Vietnam rarely has motorcycle accidents, this has to say their powerful, as far as Vietnam is concerned, motorcycles are Japanese-made Honda and Yamaha, Honda more.

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